Tuesday 14 June 2011

Ken & Winnie's Big Day @ the Greece House

We get to know Ken (Yong Khai) through our primary school teacher, madam Khor. Yes, "PRIMARY SCHOOL" (⊙o⊙)

He travel back from Singapore for his wedding preparation. I still remember when I called him to arrange for house viewing, he said "i will flight off in 2 hours time". Oh my god, we were at 100 miles away from Butterworth that time! (° ο°)~@
Thanks to Ken & Winnie, for chosen the Greece House as your "wedding house", and thank you for given us a chance to work with you all. You guys are really fun to work with, especially the bride ^^

Here are some of the highlights taken in the Greece House, enjoy viewing =^_^= 

Thursday 2 June 2011


2011年5月,The Greece House 迎来了另一桩喜事。

初次和新娘见面,有点大姐头的感觉 ^_^"

按下快门的那一刻,意外地从镜头看到,新娘可爱的鬼脸  =^_^= 

一个不做作的女生 ゜♥

For more photos, stay tuned..(^^)